Barndoor Skate

Dipturus laevis

Fishing Region:Atlantic coast of North America, New England, USA // Product of the USA

Product Form

Skin-ON skate wings, block frozen in cartons 10 kilos net weight


Product of the USA

Skate do not have hard bones.  Instead, like sharks, their skeletons are made of cartilage.

Skate is part of the traditional cuisine in many European and Asian cultures.

Barndoor skate wings are usually sold skin-On.  Barndoor skate meat is a bright red color, whereas  Winter Skate have flesh that is more pink. Skinless barndoor skate wings are similar in appearance to skatewings commonly exported from Argentina.

In France the wings are usually steamed and served with browned butter and capers, or lemon-butter.

In Korea skate steamed skate wings are popular.  Another famous Korean dish is Hongeo-hoe,  which is raw fermented skate, thinly sliced with the middle cartilage included.  It has a very strong ammonia odor.

For futher reading:

NOAA general description:
Sustainable management of Skate Fisheries:





Product information

Other names: Barn-door skate, Spotted Skate, Big Skate, Eyed Skate

Range: Barndoor Skate is a cartilaginous fish, part of the Rajidae skate family.  It is found in the Atlantic Ocean of North America, From the Grand Banks of Newfoundland,  through New England coastal states such as Massachusetts and Rhode Island, as far south as the mid-Atlantic. Barndoor skates has been endangered in the 1960s and 1970s, but stocks have recovered enough so that landing a by-catch is now allowed.  Product of USA. Link to NOAA Commercial Fishing Provisions for Barndoor Skate:

Product form: Skin-ON skate wings, block frozen in cartons 10 kilos net weight






Product form: Skin-ON skate wings, block frozen in cartons 10 kilos net weight